Monday, 26 August 2013

Screen Printing photographs onto etching paper in colour.

The colour pallet used to print the below photograph onto paper.

Photograph of the emulsion that has been exposed onto the silk screen.

 Four colour screen Print on fine etching paper,the loin cloth colours have been mixed during the printing. { paper size 40*60cm}

 Printed on off white paper.
{ paper size 40*60cm}

Printed entire design on acetate registration plate.
comprising BLACK for tonal screen, COLOURS for loin cloths and WHITE for the whites of their eyes.

Screen Printing workshop using various fabrics

                                                              Using a pink felt.
About five strokes with the ink seemed the best way to give a strong design presence

                     Printing circle combo and the delicate {hand cut } tree design of my student.
                      Using white, red and black inks on a bright green canvass of heavy quality.

mmm, someone has a free hand...
"Loving those trees"
Printed on raw denim using black ink.

Foot photo taken in Bronzen temple studio during printing class.