Thursday, 7 January 2016

St Clares and ST Catherins Parish schools Screen Printing short coarse #5 2016

Who's this Fella?

The latest cool installment for St Clares and St Catherins Public Schools Art {screen printing Tee shirts course. Artist and Designer Rhett Kilner at the Helm. This double class saw the likes of 75 pupils, all of which were instructed and produced a design on their own T shirts with the guidance from Rhett @

One of the designs the Student produced entitled "Eagle Love"

Printed using black ink by the owner of this custom TEE.

My studio for the day is also a section of the kids art class..

 Decorating with some of Mr Dean's own Tee shirts he has been collecting on black T shirts.

Same process used for all of the 75 students, we had a ton of fun!!
                                         Yes my back was slightly sore at the end of the day!!

The collective.

The three designs selected for the short course were judged by all the students. The winners were:

          1- the small flame with wings{most kids printed this small design on the sleeve}
          2- 2015 - By far the most popular design!!
          3- "Eagle Love "  Some good symetry and also a favorite.

The Majic Hands of experience.

2015 in all its glory.

Thanks guys and gals, it was a pleasure and I know you all had a brilliant and interactive experience
with the short screen printing course. Wear the shirts with pride!!

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