Saturday 29 March 2014

St Clares School Screen printing workshop March 2014

The next chapter from a in house screen printing workshop conducted in the st clares art class with
Bronzen Temple Prints = Rhett Kilner the visiting artist.
This class proved that this years students really had their A game on!!
Great print results and some excellent designs produced by the participants.

Design 1 "Aces up your sleeve"

Designs 2 and 3 "Flying pacman and Crown"

Cards stencil cut out.

Pacman and crown stencils cut out.
My phantom students show off their tie-dyed T shirts, prior to screen printing. Some great variance obtained.

Last minute design cut on site for a student that had to print this and only this. "Who da Man design".

Black ink about to print "Who da Man"

One of my students printing by hand, with me holding the screen frame and instructing.
Printed "Who da Man" on tie dyed T shirt.

Finished Printed works from all 28 students on drying table. Many happy and proud faces look on!
"While the cat is away naughty mice want to play"
The girls came back to the art room, as I was cleaning up and asked for some non-permanent tatoo's.
Such fun, as their smiles of joy lit up their faces.

All in all a great workshop and thanks to all my students for being organised and dedicated to the end.

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